Plenary papers presentations
Session 1 - Putting grasslands into perspective
Why and how to support the supply of non-provisional ecosystem services by european grasslands through the common agricultural policy? Guyomard H., Pinto-Correia T. and Rouet-Leduc J. -
Permanent grassland and ruminants are a key component of the agroecological transition in Europe – findings from “Ten Years For Agroecology” scenario. Poux X. and Aubert P. M. -
Session 2 - Bundles of services provided by grasslands
Ecosystem services provided by semi-natural and improved grasslands – synergies, trade-offs and bundles. Lindborg R., Bernués A., Hartel T., Helm A. and Ripoll Bosch R. -
Multifunctionality and diversity of livestock grazing systems for sustainable food systems throughout the world: What can we learn for Europe? Ickowicz A., Blanchard M., Blanfort V., Cesaro J. D., Diaw A., Hubert B., Lasseur J., Le Thi Thanh H., Li Li., Mauricio R. M., Müller J. P., Quiroga Mendiola M., Ulambayar T. and Wedderburn L. -
Coupling the benefits of grassland crops and green biorefining to produce protein, products and services for the green transition. Jørgensen U., Jensen S. K. and Ambye-Jensen M. -
Session 3 - Using biodiversity to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience of grassland based systems
Using plant diversity to reduce vulnerability and increase drought resilience of permanent and sown productive grasslands. Lüscher A., Barkaoui K., Finn J. A., Suter D., Suter M. and Volaire F. -
Diversification increases the resilience of European grassland-based systems but is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Dumont B., Franca A., López-í-Gelats F., Mosnier C. and Pauler C. M. -
Session 4 - Looking for synergy between animal production, grasslands and crops
Reconnecting cropping and livestock operations to enhance circularity and avoid ecological collapse. Franzluebbers A. and Martin G. -
Session 5 - Initiatives for the transfer and co-construction of innovations on and for grassland
EIP-AGRI: EU initiatives for the transfer and co-creation of innovations and for grassland. Schreuder R., Peratoner G., Golinksi P. and Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A. -
An overview of European permanent grasslands: SUPER-G proposals to improve their sustainability and multifunctionality. Newell Price J. P., Bufe C., Frewer L., Hejduk S., Hunter E., Klopčič M., Lively F., Lombardi G., Mulvenna C., Rankin J., Ravetto Enri S., Schils R. L. M., Smith K., ten Berge H., Tindale S., Tonn B. and Williams J. R. -
Short communications slide show
Theme 1 & 5
Are we talking about the same thing? Stakeholder perspectives on grassland management intensity. Tonn B., Ten Berge H., Bufe C., Buchmann N., Eggers S., Fernández Rebollo P., Klaus V.H., Lellei-Kovács E., Lombardi G., Ravetto Enri S., Stypinski P. and Newell Price J.P.
Citizen and consumer attitudes to grassland landscapes in Europe. Tindale S., Ojo M., Gallardo-Cobos R., Hunter E., Miškolci S., Vicario-Modroño V., NewellPrice P., Sánchez-Zamora P., Sonnevelt M. and Frewer L.J.
The influence of circular agriculture on the financial performance of dairy farms in the Netherlands. Van de Geest W., Verhoeven F., Dirksen H., Ankersmit E. and Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A.
Sustainable management model for the preservation of valuable open mountain areas: the Open2preserve project. Múgica L., Canals R.M., San Emeterio L., Mosquera-Losada M.R., Torres F., Plaixats J., Castro M., Robles A.B., Sáez J.L., Aguerre C., Duperron -
Developing sustainable management of Alpine and pre-Alpine grasslands – from research to practice. Schneider K., Schucknecht A., Krämer A., Dannenmann M., Wiesmeier M., Köllner T., Jentsch A., Schloter M., Kögel-Knabner I. and Kiese R.
CarSolEl, a user-friendly tool to predict carbon stocks evolution in grassland- based farms. Brun-Lafleur L., Graux A.I, Klumpp K., Martin R., Thérond O., Vertès F. and Chambaut H.
Theme 2 & 3
Holistic environmental assessment of high nature value farming systems in Europe. Torres-Miralles M., Kyttä V., Jeanneret P., Lamminen M., Manzano P., Tuomisto H.L. and Herzon I.
A systematic review of threats in permanent grassland cultural ecosystem services. Pellaton R., Báldi A. and Lellei-Kovács E. -
How professional stakeholders perceive the current and future relevance of grassland ecosystem services in Switzerland. Klaus V.H., Richter F., Reichmuth C., Jan P., El Benni N., Buchmann N. and Lüscher A.
Taxonomic and functional biodiversity positively influence agronomic characteristics of permanent grassland. Mesbahi G., Poutaraud A., Bayeur C. and Plantureux S. -
Adaption of selected grasses towards micro-environmental conditions under long-term extensive grazing. Komainda M., Titěra J., Tonn B., Kajzrová K., Pavlů V.V. and Isselstein J.
Joint effects of biocontrol herbivory and plant competition greatly reduce the growth of Rumex obtusifolius. Klötzli J., Suter M., Schaffner U., Müller-Schärer H. and Lüscher A.
Modelling studies of beef and dairy farming in boreal environments: a review. Forster D., Helama S., Virkajärvi P. and Shurpali N.J.
Extending grassland age for climate change mitigation and adaptation on clay soils. Iepema G.L., Hoekstra N., de Goede R., Bloem J., Brussaard L. and van Eekeren N.
Fate of recently fixed C in plant-soil monoliths from permanent grasslands. Cliquet J.B., Roussel C., Lemauviel-Lavenant S. and Morvan-Bertrand A.
Fertilization of grass-clover leys with mineral N and slurry: effect on clover dynamics, N2-fixation and nitrate leaching. Fontaine D., Rasmussen J. and Eriksen J.
Delivery of ecosystem services from permanent grasslands in Europe: a systematic review. Schils R.L.M., Bufe C., Rhymer C.M., Francksen R.M., Klaus V.H., Abdalla M., Milazzo F., Lellei-Kovács E., Ten Berge H., Bertora C., Chodkiewicz A., Dǎmǎtîrcǎ C., Feigenwinter I., Fernández-Rebollo P., Ghiasi S., Hejduk S., Hiron M., Janicka M., Pellaton R., Smith K.E., Thorman R., Vanwalleghem T., Williams J., Zavattaro L., Kampen J., Derkx R., Smith P., Whittingham M.J., Buchmann N. and Newell Price J.P.
Ecosystem services of pre-Alpine grasslands – the effects of climate change and management. Schucknecht A., Schneider K., Gasche R., Petersen K., Wolf B. and Kiese R.
Trade-offs between services rendered by semi-natural grasslands of the Vosges massif (France). Plantureux S., Mesbahi G. and Bayeur C.
Mechanical loosening of grasslands – a risk to ecosystem services or a restorative practice? Newell Price J.P., Hadden S., Rhymer C., Francksen R., Standen J., Thorman R., Dowers J., Whittingham M. and Williams J. -
Robust cattle valorise ecosystem services of marginal grassland. Pauler C.M. and Schneider M.K. -
Provisioning ecosystem services of fertilized meadows and pastures differ in their response to organic management. Richter F., Lüscher A., El Benni N., Jan P., Buchmann N. and Klaus V.H.
Extensively managed grasslands: productivity after more than a decade without fertilizer input. Grinnell N.A., Komainda M., Tonn B., Hamidi D. and Isselstein J.
Effects of management factors and additive treatments on grass silage quality. Franco M., Huuskonen A., Manni K. and Rinne M.
The repeatability of perennial ryegrass grazing efficiency as measured by Residual Grazed Height. Tubritt T., Delaby L. and O’Donovan M.
Stress caused by extreme weather conditions reflects on the nutritive value of grass. Järvenranta K., Niemeläinen O., Mustonen A., Nikama J. and Virkajärvi P.
Prediction of water-soluble carbohydrate contents in hay from their content in fresh forage and drying time. Deroche B., Morvan-Bertrand A., Le Morvan A., Wyss U., Aoun M. and Baumont R.
Scaling-up innovative grass-based products and services. Orozco R., Mosquera R., Rodriguez J., Adamseged M.E. and Grundmann P. -
Legume biomasses produce high protein yields in a green biorefinery concept. Rinne M., Franco M., Stefański T., Ghalibah M., Fidelis M., Järvenpää E. and Pap N. -
Mineral concentration in fractions of green forages after screw-pressing. Hansen N.P., Damborg V.K., Stødkilde L., Weisbjerg M.R. and Jensen S.K.
Biodiversity assessed through different metrics to evaluate grassland ecosystem services in Massif Central. Allart L., Joly F., Mosnier C., Dumont B. and Gross N.
Impact of drought stress and climate change on yield and forage quality of grassland. Schaumberger A., Klingler A. and Herndl M. -
Assessment of grassland sensitivity to drought in the Massif Central region using remote sensing. Luna D., Pottier J. and Picon-Cochard C.
A multicriteria method to evaluate the resilience of grass-based dairy farms to climate change in Brittany. Geffroy K., Auberger J., Busnot S., Carof M., Jacquot A.L., Novak S., Parnaudeau V., Puech T., Vertès F., Viaud V., Wilfart A. and Godinot O. -
Overyielding in multi-species swards under simulated grazing management. Patterson J.D., Herron E.R., Mocarska M., Gordon A.W. and Young G.K.
Dry matter production of multispecies swards at three nitrogen application rates under dairy grazing. Hearn C., Egan M., Lynch M.B. and O’Donovan M.
Multispecies grass-legume swards productivity and reducing nitrogen fertilization. Šidlauskaitė G., Šarūnaitė L. and Kadžiulienė Ž.
Multispecies swards exceed the productivity of perennial ryegrass monocultures under a beef rotational grazing system. Baker S., Lynch M.B., Godwin F., Kelly A., Boland T.M., Evans A.C.O., Murphy P.N.C. and Sheridan H.
Crop rotation effect on red clover persistence in mixed grass-clover leys. Bergqvist S., Bergkvist G., Forkman J., Parsons D. and Nilsdotter-Linde N.
Grass-clover leys for a sustainable N yield: Trifolium pratense cultivar × mixture effects. Gamper H.A., Mairhofer F., Ceccon C., Matteazzi A., Gauly M. and Peratoner G. -
Strong beneficial effects of grassland sward diversity on reducing nitrous oxide emissions and emissions intensity. Cummins S., Finn J.A., Richards K.G., Lanigan G.J., Grange G., Brophy C., Cardenas L.M., Misselbrook T.H., Reynolds C.K. and Krol D.J.
Response of different grass-based mixtures to weather conditions in the Netherlands. Ankersmit E., Van de Geest W., Ter Horst A.C. and Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A.
Coexistence of geese and grassland – new grassland mixtures tolerating geese grazing. Elverland E., Dalmannsdottir S., Tombre I. and Jørgensen M.
Diversity mitigates overwintering damage due to prolonged snow cover during ley establishment. Peratoner G., Mairhofer F., Rottensteiner A., Della Rosa L. and Mittermair P.
Strengthening the resilience of grasslands against the unpalatable C4 grass Setaria pumila. Huguenin-Elie O., Schmid H., Odermatt M., Stutz C.J., Gago R. and Lüscher A. -
Overseeding and rehabilitation of degraded upland grasslands after Arvicola terrestris outbreaks. Bouchon M., Louault F., Vassal N., Michelin Y., Pomiès D. and Bloor J.M.G.
Flora biodiversity in silvopastoral systems under Pinus radiata D. Don in Galicia (NW Spain). Ferreiro-Domínguez N., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A. and Mosquera-Losada M.R. -
AEOLE – a collaborative initiative which benefits both farmers and biodiversity. Carrère P., Borres J.B. and Galliot J.N.
Theme 4
Productivity and nitrogen flows for grass systems targeting future biorefineries: a 5-year study in Denmark. Zhang S., Lærke P.E., Jørgensen U. and Manevski K. -
Drone-based multispectral imagery is effective for determining forage availability in arid savannas. Amputu V., Tielboerger K. and Knox N. -
Forage quality predicted by hyperspectral reflection measurements across climate zones. Männer F.A., Dubovyk O., Ferner J., Freyaldenhoven A., Muro J., Schmidtlein S. and Linstädter A. -
Effects of electrical impulses on cattle grazing behaviour: virtual vs physical fencing. Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N.A., Horn J., Riesch F., Ammer S., Hamidi M., Traulsen I. and Isselstein J.
Grazing farms differentiation through the expression of microARNs and AI algorithm. Abou el qassim L., Alonso J., Royo L.J. and Díez J.
Deployment of models to predict compressed sward height at a large scale: results and feedback. Nickmilder C., Tedde A., Dufrasne I., Lessire F., Tychon B., Curnel Y., Bindelle J. and Soyeurt H.
A review of beef and sheep grazing management suitable for hill and upland environments. Rutherford N.H., Aubry A.E. and Lowe D.E.
Co-grazing horses and cattle requires appropriate management to provide its expected benefits. Fleurance G., Sallé G., Lansade L., Wimel L. and Dumont B. -
Adaptation of fresh lactating dairy cows to grazing. Rivoir C., Adrien L., Mattiauda D.A., Klaus R., Menegazzi G. and Chilibroste P. -
Effect of sward type on in-vivo dry matter intake, digestibility and methane output in sheep. Woodmartin S., Creighton P., Boland T.M., Farrell L. and McGovern F. -
The effect of the addition of a companion forage to a perennial ryegrass sward on lamb performance. McGrane L., Boland T.M., Monaghan A. and Creighton P. -
Bacterial and botanical diversity of the pasture influence the raw milk cheese sensory properties. Manzocchi E., Martin B., Bord C., Bouchon M., Bérard J., Coppa M., Delbès C. and Verdier-Metz I.
Milk production and quality from grass-only, PMR and TMR feeding systems. Fitzpatrick E., Gilliland T.J., Patton J. and Hennessy D.
Faba bean silage as a substitute for grass silage in dairy cow diets. Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau A., Kuoppala K., Kokkonen T. and Vanhatalo A.
Legacy effects in a grassland-crop rotation enhanced by legume content. Grange G., Brophy C. and Finn J.A.
Grazing by red deer counteracts atmospheric nutrient deposition in seminatural open habitats. Riesch F., Wichelhaus A., Tonn B., Meiβner M., Rosenthal G. and Isselstein J. -
The different services provided by grasslands in livestock-crop reconnection. Maillet G., Angevin F., Ramonteu S. and Baumont R.
Evaluating GHG emissions and profitability of innovative grassland-based farming systems on a Dutch peat meadow. Moreira T., Derks M., Janssen A., Loman P. and Veenland W.
Efficiency of cows’ diets in Galician dairy farms under the feed-food competition perspective. Botana A., Lorenzana R., Pereira-Crespo S., García-Souto V., González L., Veiga M., Martínez-Diz M.P., Dagnac T., Valladares J., Resch-Zafra C. and Flores-Calvete G.
Agroforestry reduces nitrogen surplus of organic poultry and pig production. Manevski K., Hellwing A.L.F., Andersen H.M.-L., Knudsen M.T., Steenfeldt S., Kongsted A.G. and Jørgensen U. -
Economic and environmental performance of French dairy farms through the scope of three farm economic strategies. Godoc B., Castellan E. and Fourdin S. -
The impact of dairy cow genotype on methane emissions within a grazing dairy system. Lahart B., Buckley F., Herron J. and Shalloo L.
Effects of day or night grazing schedule on milk production and methane emissions at high latitudes. Lardy Q., Ramin M., Lind V., Jørgensen G., Höglind M. and Hetta M.
Biochar as feed additive to sheep did not affect feed intake, growth rate and enteric methane production. Lind V., Jørgensen G.M. and Sizmaz Ö.
Testimonies presentations
Grass growth prediction in Ireland to improve grazing management practice. Ruelle E., O’Leary M., Hennessy D., Bonnard L., Delaby L. and O’Donovan M. -
Adapting a Northern Ireland grass growth model to produce 14-day regional forecasts across the UK. Huson K.M., Laidlaw S., Takahashi T. and McConnell D.A.
Exemplary on-farm research of region-, period- and sward-specific grassland yield prediction using geoprocessing methods. Stumpe C., Mundt M. and Böttinger S. -
Pre-estimation of silage density via an application by using data available on farm. Milimonka A., Glenz G. and Hilgers B. -
Ten years of mobile milking at experimental farm Trévarez in France. Cloet E., Brocard V., Guiocheau S. and Le Coeur P. -
Communicating knowledge on grassland management using videos and the internet. Schneider M.K., Pauler C.M., Alföldi T., Willems H., Werder C. and Mettler D. -
Theme 1 - Putting grassland into perspective
1. Other stakeholders than farmers contribute to diversify the management of (peri-) urban grasslands. Martel G., Bulot A., Beaujouan V., Moinardeau C. and Daniel H. -
2. Regulatory and social context linked to European grassland in a bioeconomy context (GO-GRASS). Mosquera-Losada M.R., Santiago-Freijanes J.J., Ferreiro-Domínguez N., Álvarez-López V., Franco-Grandas T.I., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Orozco R., Adamseged M.E., Grundmann P. and Rodríguez-Rigueiro F.J. -
3. Variability of European farming systems relying on permanent grasslands across biogeographic regions. Ravetto Enri S., Bausson C., Ten Berge H., Hiron M., Jones M., Klaus V.H., Buchmann N., Lellei-Kovács E., Rankin J., Fernández-Rebollo P., Schils R., Tonn B., Lombardi G. and Newell Price P. -
4. Towards protein self-sufficiency for both dairy and beef cattle in western France. Rouillé B., Tranvoiz E., Cloet E., Bertron J.J., Freulon H., Fauviot S., Possémé B. and Brocard V.
5. Contrasted evolution of grassland area across Europe in the past decades to promote grass-based business opportunities in rural areas (GO-GRASS). Santiago-Freijanes J.J., Mosquera-Losada M.R., Ferreiro-Domínguez N., Álvarez-López V., Franco-Grandas T.I., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Orozco R., Adamseged M.E., Grundmann P. and Rodríguez-Rigueiro F.J. -
Theme 2 - Bundles of services provided by grasslands
6. The influence of nitrogen fertilization and legume species on the forage quality of multicomponent sown meadows. Adamovics A. and Gutmane I. -
7. Response of tall fescue and orchardgrass to deficit irrigation? Al-Zoheiry A., Al-Ghumaiz N., Kassem M.A. and Motawei M.
8. Long-term changes in carbon content and chemical properties of soil in grassland plots fertilized with cattle slurry and mineral fertilizer. Báez M.D., García M.I. and Santiago C.
9. Current research view about nitrous oxide uptake in agricultural soils. Bhattarai H.R., Manninen P., Lind S., Virkajärvi P., Ruhanen H., Wanek W. and Shurpali N.J.
10. Utility value of grasslands in a legally protected area depending on the management. Borawska-Jarmułowicz B., Mastalerczuk G. and Chodkiewicz A. -
11. Permanent grassland ecosystems services: farmer perceptions. Caraes C., Godfroy D., Jouart A. and Newell Price J.P.
12. Using crowd-sourced data to quantify cultural ecosystem services provided by grasslands in Auvergne, France. Chai-Allah A., Bimonte S., Brunschwig G. and Joly F.
13. Does herbage protein, fibre, sugar and energy content have an effect on plant mineral content? Chesney L., Scollan N., Gordon A. and Lively F.O.
14. Microbiota diversity of the phyllosphere of pastures plants. Dalmasso M., Morvan-Bertrand A., Chagnot C., Goux D., Sesboué A., Meuriot F., Schlusselhuber M., Prud’homme M.-P., Elie N., Desmasures N., Launay F., Noiraud-Romy N. and Cretenet M. -
15. Prediction of hay digestibility from its assessment on the fresh forage and drying time. Deroche B., Le Morvan A., Wyss U., Aoun M. and Baumont R.
16. Effects of Ca:Mg ratio and pH on soil properties and grass N yield in drained peat soil. Deru J.G.C., Hoekstra N., van Agtmaal M., Bloem J., de Goede R., Brussaard L. and van Eekeren N.
17. Cattle slurry degradability influences soil organic carbon stock dynamics. Doblas-Rodrigo A., Gallejones P. and Merino P. -
18. Pre-grazing herbage mass and post-grazing sward height: grass production and quality. Doyle P., McGee M., Moloney A.P., Kelly A.K. and O’Riordan E.G.
19. Vertical distribution of herbage chemical composition: effect of pre- and post- grazing sward height. Doyle P., McGee M., Moloney A.P., Kelly A.K. and O’Riordan E.G.
20. Economic loss of the provisioning service in uplands due to disruption of traditional management. Durán M., Canals R.M., Sáez J.L., Ferrer V. and Lera-López F.
21. Identifying cropping strategies for sustainable ley farming systems based on legumes. Edin E., Granstedt A., Omer Z. and Wallenhammar A.-C. -
22. Inclusion of chicory in grass-clover mixtures enhances leys productivity and herbage quality compared to monocultures. Golińska B., Paszkowski A. and Goliński P.
23. Nitrate concentrations of leachate collected from perennial ryegrass and plantain monocultures after dairy cow urination. Hearn C., Egan M., Lynch M.B. and O’Donovan M.
24. Analysis of the nutritive value of various Festulolium hybrids assessed at different harvesting times. Hoffmann R., Pál-Fám F., Keszthelyi S., Pónya Z.S. and Halász A.
25. Effect of grazing method on grass quality change during a 24-hour period. Holshof G., Klootwijk C.W., Koning L. and Klop A.
26. Presumed yield benefit of grassland renewal is offset by loss of soil quality. Iepema G.L., Deru J., Bloem J., Hoekstra N., de Goede R., Brussaard L. and van Eekeren N. -
27. Possibilities for estimating the yield and quality of forage harvested from meadows of high natural value with non-destructive methods. Janicka M. and Pawluśkiewicz B. -
28. Soil carbon sequestration potential of grass-clover leys: effect of grassland proportion and organic fertilizer. Jensen J.L. and Eriksen J.
29. Changes in sugar concentration over the day and the season in green forages. Johansen M., Jørgensen L.K., Hansen N.P., Bach Knudsen K.E. and Weisbjerg M.R.
30. Ecosystem service research in grasslands at 31 experimental farms, networks and demonstration platforms across Europe. Klaus V.H., Newell Price J.P., Bufe C., Caraes C., Chodkiewicz A., Feigenwinter I., Hejduk S., Klopčič M., Báldi A., Lellei-Kovács E., Lively F., Lombardi G., Markovic M., Milazzo F., Oenema J., Rankin J., Ravetto Enri S., Rhymer C.M., Schils R.L.M., Stypiński P., Tonn B., Vanwalleghem T., Whittingham M.J. and Buchmann N. -
31. Intense drainage improves N balance in a ley experiment. Kvifte Å.M., Rivedal S., Deelstra J. and Øpstad S.L. -
32. Ecosystem services provided by wet grasslands through extensive livestock farming. Lemauviel-Lavenant S., Chauvel L., Irien C., Diquélou S. and Odoux J.F. -
33. Fertilizer regime modifies grassland sensitivity to interannual climate variability. Louault F. and Bloor J.M.G.
34. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and cutting height on greenhouse gas exchange on a boreal grassland. Maljanen M., Lamprecht R., Kykkänen S., Lind S. and Virkajärvi P.
35. Productivity and regrowth of grasses and legumes for biorefining of protein – effects of defoliation and fertilizer regimes. Manevski K. and Jørgensen U. -
36. Effects of stabilized urea fertilizer on nitrate concentration in fresh grass and on silage quality. Meehan E.J. and Patterson J.D.
37. Effects of fertilization on the yield and nutritive value of bromegrass mixture with legumes. Meripõld H., Tamm U., Tamm S., Tamm S., Võsa T. and Pechter P.
38. Phyllospheric bacteria alter sugar content and sucrose transporter expression in ryegrass. Meuriot F., Noiraud-Romy N., Elie N., Goux D., Morvan-Bertrand A., Cretenet M., Dalmasso M., Chagnot C. and Prud’homme M.-P.
39. Quantifying the permanent grassland erosion and flood mitigation impact in the Mediterranean climate. Milazzo F., Fernandez-Habas J., Fernandez-Rebollo P., Peña A. and Vanwalleghem T.
40. Effects of additives on grass silage protein quality. Milimonka A., Hilgers B., Schneider M. and Spiekers H.
41. Feed value of pulp from fresh and ensiled grass-clover forage. Nadeau E., Dahlström F. and Sousa D.
42. Reed canary grass and tall fescue from marginal land as substrates for the bio-economy. Palmborg C. and Finell M.
43. Robust cattle, sheep and goats in green alder shrubs – or how to preserve mountain pasturess. Pauler C.M., Lüscher A., Kreuzer M., Bérard J. and Schneider M.K. -
44. Agrivoltaism, in search of the right coupling between energy production and management of ruminant herds. Pavie J., Crestey M. and Fradin J.
45. Grass dry matter yield and plant nutrient removal following fertilization with wood ash and digestate. Rancane S., Karklins A. and Lazdina D.
46. Net climate impacts of sustainable intensification measures in Boreal crop-livestock system. Rimhanen K., Joensuu K., Hietala S., Sairanen A., Korhonen P., Virkajärvi P. and Palosuo T.
47. Benefits of adaptative multi-paddock grazing – implementation in French livestock production systems. Russias R., Klumpp K., Michaud A., Delagarde R., Rozier S. and Boudet S.
48. Piloting resource-efficient grass silage production on fifty dairy farms. Seppänen M.M., Nyholm L. and Plassmann K.
49. Long-term grassland productivity with and without ploughing. Sturite I. and Øpstad S. -
50. Microelement contents in soil, plants and animal tissues of a selected mountainous habitat. Szewczyk W., Kopeć M., Kacorzyk P., Grygierzec B. and Radkowski A.
51. Establishment and production of lucerne in Sweden is affected by inoculation product choice. Tang L., Öhlund L. and Parsons D.
52. Estimating biorefinery output from forage crops via the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. Thers H., Stødkilde L., Jensen S.K. and Eriksen J. -
53. A farm level decision support tool to quantify ecosystem service delivery from permanent grassland. Titterington F.M., Báldi A., Lellei-Kovacs E., Newell-Price J.P., Sagoo L., Aubry A., McConnell D., Patterson D., Rankin J., Annett N., Brown S., Abdalla M., Smith P., Bufe C., Almedia R., Bausson C., Hejduk S. and Lively F. -
54. Evaluating differences in grazing offtake of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) under rotational sheep grazing. Young G.K., Beerepoot L.J., Herron E.R., Mocarska M.M. and Patterson J.D.
Theme 3 - Using biodiversity to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience of grassland based systems
55. Effect of N fertilization on the biomass of soil fungal groups in production grasslands. Barreiro A., Fox A., Lüscher A., Widmer F. and Dimitrova Mårtensson L.M. -
56. Grazing heights and nitrogen applied in warm season pastures do not change forage production and species diversity in the following cool season pastures in a subtropical environment. Barreta D.A., Comassetto D.S., Gislon F.C.S., Reis C.C., Ribeiro E.R., Moraes D.H., Godoy S., Martins L.O. and Sbrissia A.F.
57. Grazing heights do not change forage yield in a biodiverse pasture. Barreta D.A., Piran F., Comassetto D.S., Winter F.L., Moncada V.Y.M., Gislon F.C.S., Ribeiro E.R. and Sbrissia A.F.
58. Assessing resilience of lucerne cultivars to drought stress in Wisconsin, United States. Bhandari K.B. and Picasso V.D.
59. Flowers in the grassland – management for nature based dairy farming. Bufe C., Ozinga W., Geerts R., Pomp M., Klootwijk C., Van Os J., Hassink J., Dik P., Schils R., Bianchi F., Gies E., Benschop M. and Westerink J.
60. Impact of trees on the growth of the herbaceous layer of Sahelian savannah. A UAV based approach. Fassinou C., N’goran A., Diatta O., Diatta D., Ndiaye O. and Taugourdeau S.
61. Can grassland vegetation be estimated from smartphone pictures collected by citizen scientists? Fernández-Habas J., Komainda M., Schmitz A., Fernández-Rebollo P. and Isselstein J.
62. Effects of soil type and competition on Bituminaria bituminosa var. albomarginata cv. LANZA® biomass production: preliminary results. Fernández-Habas J., Leal-Murillo J.R., García Moreno A.M., Real D., Méndez P., Carriere Cañada M., Vanwalleghem T., Milazzo F. and Fernández-Rebollo P.
63. Long-term mineral fertilizer application strongly influences soil microbial community structure but not diversity. Fox A., Schultz S., Brennan F., Widmer F., Huguenin-Elie O., Schloter M. and Lüscher A. -
64. Differences in soil fungal community structure driven by grassland management not sampling period. Fox A., Widmer F., Suter M. and Lüscher A. -
65. Performance of Trifolium repens and T. pratense under marginal growing conditions. Fraser M.D., Davies I.G. and Richards H.E.
66. Effects of establishment method on forage yield and composition. Fychan R., Scullion J., Sanderson R. and Marley C.L.
67. Measures to control yellow rattle in extensive grassland. Gaier L., Graiss W., Klingler A., Schaumberger A. and Krautzer B.
68. Drought and plant diversity effects on the agronomic multifunctionality of intensively managed grassland. Grange G., Brophy C. and Finn J.A.
69. Operability of agroecological practices: the case of parasite dilution in sheep/cattle mixed-grazing. Joly F. and Dumont B.
70. Spatial variation in vegetation height as an indicator of aboveground carbon stocks in grazed grasslands. Klumpp K., Darsonville O. and Bloor J.M.G. -
71. Biomass, soil profile and C concentration of timothy (Phleum pratense) and tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) roots. Kykkänen S., Korhonen P. and Virkajärvi P.
72. Dynamics of grassland vegetation in two sheep-grazed agrivoltaic systems in plain and upland areas. Madej L., Picon-Cochard C., Bouhier de l’Ecluse C., Cogny C., Michaud L., Roncoroni M. and Colosse D.
73. Production and replacement costs of permanent grasslands compete with those of sown grasslands. Mesbahi G., Bayeur C. and Plantureux S. -
74. Rethinking grasslands in 3D: feeding preferences of dairy cows between temperate fodder trees. Mesbahi G., Jawahir A., Berthet M., Ginane C., Delagarde R., Chargelègue F. and Novak S. -
75. Involvement of fructans in the protection of leaf meristems of grassland species during drought. Morvan-Bertrand A., Grandin A., Coulon M., Dubois V., Moulin P. and Prud’homme M.-P. -
76. Effect of intensive management on grassland mixtures. Muradagha K. and Rivedal S. -
77. Impact of irrigation, cutting and fertilization on the phenology of Sahelian ranges. N’Goran A.A.J., Ndiaye O., Ngom D., Diatta O., Salgado P., Diatta S., Hafthay H., Fassinou C.F.J. and Taugourdeau S.
78. Variability of multispecies grasslands production in a diversified agroecological dairy system. Novak S., Didiot C., Bourgoin F., Guyard R., Chargelègue F., Audebert G. and Delagarde R.
79. Evaluating some winter forage legumes under Mediterranean rain-fed conditions. Papageorgiou A., Chatzigeorgiou T. and Hadjigeorgiou I.
80. Comparison of milk production of Holstein cows grazing perennial ryegrass or multispecies swards. Patton J., Lawless A., Grange G. and Finn J.
81. Effect of climate change on forage production at plot/farm level – a case study in Vosges (France). Plantureux S., Pires B., Mariau A., Salagnat T. and Barrier P.
82. Increased mineral soil N availability contributes to post-drought yield outperformance of Lolium perenne. Schärer M.L., Lüscher A. and Kahmen A.
83. Responses of perennial ryegrass cultivars and their mixtures to white and red clovers as companion species in swards. Šidlauskaitė G., Kemešytė V. and Kadžiulienė Ž.
84. Enhancing native species seed supply to improve the resilience of Mediterranean pastures. Spanu E. and Peddis A.
85. Productivity and forage quality of Alaska brome and smooth brome pure stands and mixtures. Tamm S., Bender A., Aavola R., Meripõld H. and Pechter P.
86. What is a suitable management for Typha latifolia control in wet meadow? Titěra J., Pavlů L. and Pavlů V.V.
87. Comparison of vegetation growth in a chicory based pasture and a multi-species based grassland. Valleix M., Brossier M. and Wimel L. -
88. Assessing the effect of grassland type on invertebrates. Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A., Van Dijk W., Ankersmit E., Van de Geest W. and Van Kempen C. -
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89. Productivity and management of herb-rich mowed grasslands in Flanders: a practice-oriented field trial. Vanden Nest T. -
90. Supplemental irrigation – a measure to sustain yield in mixed grasslegume ley systems during drought periods. Wesström I., Nilsdotter-Linde N. and Joel A.
Theme 4 - Looking for synergy between animal production, grasslands and crops
91. Herbage production and nutritive value of timothy fertilized according to the YARA crop nutrition programme. Aavola R., Pechter P. and Tamm S.
92. Does liming grasslands increase biomass production without causing negative impacts on net greenhouse gas emissions? Abdalla A., Zavattaro L., Lellei-Kovacs E., Espenberg M., Mander U., Smith K., Thorman R., Dǎmǎtîrcǎ C., Schils R., Ten Berge H., Newell-Price P. and Smith P. -
93. Effectiveness of measures on dairy farms to improve nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency. Akert F., Zeller-Dorn K., Widmer D., Uebersax A. and Reidy B.
94. Test of a sensor to estimate grazing and ruminating time in dairy cow behaviour at pasture. Bizeul N., Dufrasne I. and Lessire F.
95. Multispecies swards improve animal growth and performance at slaughter in a dairy calf to beef production system. Boland T.M., Godwin F., Baker S., Lynch M.B., Evans A.C.O., Murphy P.M., Sheridan H. and Kelly A.K.
96. Sainfoin grazing by dairy goats to manage gastro-intestinal parasitism and improve milk performance. Caillat H., Gonzalez M., Delagarde R. and Hoste H. -
97. Dairy goats grazing plantain: milk performance and consequences on gastro-intestinal parasitism. Caillat H., Locher E., Hoste H. and Delagarde R. -
98. The effect of incorporating white clover into sheep grazed swards on lamb and sward performance. Creighton P., Monahan A. and McGrane L.
99. Dry matter intake and weight gain of grazing heifers on tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Cromheeke M., Vandaele L., Baert J., Reheul D., Cougnon M., Vanden Nest T. and Peiren N. -
100. At grazing, the nutritive value of grass offered to the dairy cow is like a ‘natural’ total mixed ration. Delaby L., Leloup L. and Launay F. -
101. Milk production and grazing behaviour responses of dairy cows to partial mixed ration supplementation. Delagarde R. and Perretant E. -
102. Effect of pre-grazing herbage mass and post-grazing sward height on steer grazing behaviour. Doyle P., Kelly A.K., McGee M., Moloney A.P. and O’Riordan E.G.
103. How spatial temporal grazing management affects productive results of grassland-based cattle systems in Uruguay? Dupuy F., Ruggia A., Paparamborda I., Claramunt M., Sanchez A. and Soca P.
104. Milk solids and fatty acid composition during transition from summer to winter diets in relation to grazing. Elgersma A.
105. Nitrogen flows in dairy cows fed various proportions of low-N fresh grass and maize silage. Ferreira M., Delagarde R. and Edouard N. -
106. Milk production from grass-white clover systems over two full lactations. Fitzpatrick E., Gilliland T.J. and Hennessy D.
107. In pasture-based dairy systems, breeding and feeding strategies affect GHG emissions and nitrogen losses. Foray S., Gaborit M., Launay F. and Delaby L. -
108. Grassland Production Index, the future foundation of grassland insurance in France? Fradin J., Fieuzal R., Roumiguié A., Lepoivre B. and Pavie J.
109. Viability of Trifolium seed following in sacco degradation. Fraser M.D. and Gordon N.
110. Crop nitrogen balance in dairy feeding systems in the north-west of Spain. García-Pomar M.I., Báez D. and Santiago C. -
111. Spatial distribution of virtually and physically fenced cattle in relation to forage availability. García-Pomar M.I., Báez D. and Santiago C.
112. Effect of concentrate supplement level and type on milk fat production in grazing dairy cows. Heffernan C., Fitzgerald R. and Dineen M.
113. Using white clover to reduce nitrogen fertilizer application – results from an eight-year study. Hennessy D.
114. Comparing three methods to quantify fresh grass intake in grazing trials. Holshof G., Klootwijk C.W., Koning L. and Van Reenen C.G.
115. Vegetation indices obtained by UAV-mounted sensors to determine pasture biomass in a simulated grazing system. Huson K.M., Gordon A. and McConnell D.A.
116. Investigation of UAV-LiDAR penetration depth in meadows for monitoring forage mass. Hütt C. and Bareth G.
117. Milk production potential of regrowth grass silages in northern latitudes. Kajava S., Palmio A. and Sairanen A.
118. Drivers of N dynamics after ploughing-up of different grassland systems for maize. Kayser M., Rethmeyer H., Wilken F. and Isselstein J. -
119. Dry matter intake and enteric methane emissions from two contrasting silage qualities fed over the prepartum period. Kennedy M., Boland T.M. and Egan M.
120. The impact of feeding lactic acid bacteria inoculated silage on milk production in late lactation. Kennedy M., Boland T.M. and Egan M.
121. Grass availability and silage supplementation impact on enteric methane emissions in early lactation. Kennedy M., Walsh S., Starsmore K., Boland T.M. and Egan M.
122. Sheep grazing semi-natural pastures on islands in northern Norway. Lind V., Holand Ø., Haugen F-A. and Steinheim G. -
123. Assessing the frequency of pasture allocation and distance walked on Irish dairy farms. Maher P.J., Egan M., Murphy M.D. and Tuohy P.
124. Climate impacts due to albedo change of grassland through grazing and mowing practices in various pedoclimatic situations. Mischler P., Ferlicoq M. and Ceschia E.
125. The effect of sward type and fertilizer rate on milk production of spring calving, grazing dairy cows. Murray Á., Delaby L., Gilliland T.J. and McCarthy B.
126. Can a urease inhibitor improve the efficacy of N use under Irish grazing conditions? Murray Á., Gilliland T.J., Patton D., Creighton P. and McCarthy B.
127. Long-term P fertilization experiment on grass – effects on plant and soil. Mustonen A., Termonen M., Kykkänen S., Järvenranta K., Yli-Halla M. and Virkajärvi P. -
128. Nitrogen use efficiency and carbon footprint of an agroecological dairy system based on diversified resources. Novak S., Guyard R., Chargelègue F., Audebert G. and Foray S.
129. A comparison of once-a-day compared to twice-a-day milking in late lactation. O’Donovan M., Murphy J.P., Delaby L. and Kennedy E.
130. Performance of two rising plate meters in assisting grazing management in semi-natural grassland. Obermeyer K., Komainda M., Kayser M. and Isselstein J.
131. Fresh and conserved herbage in cows’ diet improves milk fatty acids and antioxidants profile. Pereira-Crespo S., González L., Botana A., Martínez-Diz M.P., Veiga M., Dagnac T., Lorenzana R., García-Souto V., Valladares J., Resch-Zafra C. and Flores-Calvete G.
132. Combining remote sensing data and the BASGRA model to predict grass yield at high latitudes. Persson T., Ancin Murguzur F.J., Davids C., Höglind M. and Jørgensen M.
133. Annual course of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) on drained fen grassland. Pickert J., Eulenstein F., Merz C. and Behrendt A.
134. Effects of two approaches for outdoor access on the welfare of lactating Nordic red cows. Pietikäinen A., Kokkonen T., Rissanen P., Vanhatalo A., Herzon I. and Krawczel P.
135. Impact of soil type and fertilizer level on forage self sufficiency of Irish dairy farm. Ruelle E., Delaby L., Shalloo L., O’Donovan M., Hennessy D., Egan M., Horan B. and Dillon P. -
136. Composition of excreta generated by dairy cattle on farms in NW Spain with different feeding systems. Santiago C., Báez M.D. and García M.I.
137. Comparison of a feeding variant of the current and future grassland-based milk production programme. Schori F. -
138. Isotopic signatures of topsoil and slurry on dairy farms with differing management and soils. Sieve F., Isselstein J. and Kayser M.
139. Milk production of dairy cows fed grass-clover silage pulp. Sousa D., Larsson M. and Nadeau E.
140. Ruminal in vitro vs in vivo digestion using different silage, barley and inoculum types. Stefański T., Bayat A.R., Franco M., Tapio I. and Rinne M.
141. Yield response of grass and grass-clover leys in crop rotations to phosphorus fertilization. Steinfurth K., Holton Rubæk G., Hirte J. and Buczko U. -
142. Satellite-based estimation of herbage mass: comparison with destructive measurements and UAV model’s estimation. Sutter M., Cornu M., Aebischer P. and Reidy B. -
143. Combination of cattle slurry and mineral N fertilizer for efficient grass production in Finland. Termonen M., Kykkänen S., Korhonen P., Mustonen A., Seppänen M. and Virkajärvi P.
144. Technical, economic and environmental performances of two contrasting dairy systems. Tranvoiz E., Brocard V., Dupre S., Foray S., Le Coeur P., Raison M., Trou G. and Follet D.
145. Creating and utilizing a DNA reference library for faecal DNA metabarcding to determine diet composition of herbivores. Vallin H.E., Fraser M.D. and Hipperson H.
146. Pasture type effect on fatty acids and fat-soluble antioxidants profile in grazing cows’ dairy milk. Veiga M., Resch-Zafra C., González L., García-Souto V., Pereira-Crespo S., Botana A., Martínez-Diz M.P., Valladares J., Dagnac T., Lorenzana R. and Flores-Calvete G.
147. Biochar decreases the ammonia emissions of cattle slurry. Vicente F., Baizán S., Menéndez M. and Martínez-Fernández A. -
148. Impact of autumn closing date and spring defoliation date on herbage production and clover content. Walsh S., McKay Z.C. and Egan M.
149. The effect of spring grass availability on milk production in early lactation. Walsh S., McKay Z.C. and Egan M.
Theme 5 - Initiatives for the transfer and co-construction of innovations on and for grassland
150. Utilizing unsupervised learning to improve sward content prediction and herbage mass estimation. Albert P., Saadeldin M., Narayanan B., Mac Namee B., O’Connor N., Hennessy D., O’Connor A.H. and McGuinness K. -
151. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis of multi species swards in Northern Ireland. Archer J.E., Warrington I.R., Grant N.R. and Patterson J.D.
152. Using participatory research approaches to favour grazing practices of large herds of dairy cows. Bitu C., Leroux M., Piovan R., Delaby L., Launay F., Aubé L. and Guyomard H. -
153. Ten years of mobile milking at experimental farm Trévarez in France. Cloet E., Brocard V., Guiocheau S. and Le Coeur P.
154. How do farmers define the health of their grassland? Cremilleux M., Quandalle M., Martin B. and Michaud A.
155. Adapting a Northern Ireland grass growth model to produce 14-day regional forecasts across the UK. Huson K.M., Laidlaw S., Takahashi T. and McConnell D.A.
156. Combination of grassland surveys and knowledge transfer in the SatGrass project. Klingler A., Schaumberger A., Adelwöhrer M., Graiss W., Gaier L. and Krautzer B. -
157. HappyGrass, a unique set of applications to manage grazing and meadows from sowing to harvest. Leborgne A., Gaudillière N., Delaby L., Pavie J. and Pierre P.
158. Pre-estimation of silage density via an application by using data available on farm. Milimonka A., Glenz G. and Hilgers B.
159. Drone RGB imaging for phenotyping of red clover stand density in field experiments. Morel J., Bergqvist S., Parsons D., Öhlund L. and Aryal J.
160. PastureBase Ireland - the adoption of grassland knowledge on Irish grassland farms. O’Donovan M., Elodie R. and O’Leary M.
161. Monitoring warming of silage with IoT-based tool may help to predictsilage quality. Pölönen I., Koskela O., Hattingh G., Laine R., Kulku J., Suokannas A. and Palander S. -
162. Farmer led innovation in the use of multi-species swards on Northern Ireland farms. Rankin J.R., Hoy J., Brown S., Lowe D.E., Patterson J.D., Scollan N.D. and Lively F.O. -
163. Grass growth prediction in Ireland to improve grazing management practice. Ruelle E., O’Leary M., Hennessy D., Bonnard L., Delaby L. and O’Donovan M. -
164. Communicating knowledge on grassland management using videos and the internet. Schneider M.K., Pauler C.M., Alföldi T., Willems H., Werder C. and Mettler D. -
165. Pasture evaluation program improves horse health and grassland management. Smith S.R. and Lea K.
166. Exemplary on-farm research of region-, period- and sward-specific grassland yield prediction using geoprocessing methods. Stumpe C., Mundt M. and Böttinger S. -
167. The role of grasslands in PATHWAYS. Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A., Smith L.G., Oliveira D. and Blokhuis H.J. -
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