Back to the EGF general meeting 2022

The 29th EGF conference was held in Caen-Normandy after several years without physical conferences due to pandemic. It was organised by INRAE and the University of Caen with the appreciated logistic support of these two institutions and the partners organisations. The 300 delegates from different parts of Europe and from third others countries for some were more than happy to come back all together, to have scientific exchanges and, may be even more, personal conversations and convivial atmosphere. We saw a lot of smiles and enthusiasm during the scientific sessions, the poster sessions, the tours and the two social events evenings. We are happy that so many young and early carrier people were attending this EGF conference.
The question at the core of the discussions during the congress was “What are grassland contribution to more sustainable agricultural and food systems?” considering the inseparable trio grassland, ruminants and breeders. The several services provided by this trio and the conditions of their expression have been dissected. We conclude that well managed multispecies sown pastures and permanent grasslands are a key resource for efficient feeding of animals, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity preservation, landscape management, soil fertility. Grasslands are an ecological legacy for future generations.
The organising committee hopes that all delegates will have strong memories of this 29th EGF conference and wishes the best for the next EGF conferences in Lithuania and the Netherlands.